Monday, 9 November 2009

My first day at work!

Brilliant...I had my first day at work today at the Juniper Centre in Christchurch. It's a very special place where people with disabilities go to to have some fun...& now I'm helping them to have fun too!

I met loads of new friends & let them stroke my ears & back. A couple of people put their fingers up my nose & in my mouth but I didn't mind...I just stayed very still & calm. My favouritist people today were:

Debbie - she liked me "kissing" her hand & kept coming back for more!
Mark - he gave me three treats...I took them very gently & made him smile which, apparently, he doesn't do very often...I'm going to make sure he smiles loads from now on!

I shall be going every other Monday so I'll let you know all about the other people there...& I'll get Mum to take her camera so that you can see me at work!

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