Sunday, 1 August 2010

31st July 2010 - Work hard & play hard!!

Yesterday was agility competition day for me (Rio's not big enough yet!!) - I was real excited but poor Mum...she was so nervous that I could see her knees shaking!! Anyhows...guess what...I managed THREE clear rounds AND woz faster than before too - Mum & Dad were real proud of me...& I woz proud of Mum...for not forgetting where we were supposed to be going & for NOT falling over!! Here's a few pictures that my Uncle Andy took of Mum & me doin' our stuff:

Uncle Andy & Aunty Tracey have got a new pup called Charlie...he & Rio go to the same agility class. Now this is wot I don't understand...when I go to 'gility Mum won't let me play coz she says I'm there to work...seems that the rules are different for Rio - here's some of the pictures Uncle Andy took of him & Charlie PLAYING!!!!

Ok Charlie...if you put your paw over Rio's shoulder...he'll try to trip you up!!

Look at those lovely new, white teeth!! BTW...this is "play" honest!!

Lovely smile Charlie! Is that a look of adoration in Rio's eye...or is he just waiting to pounce?!

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